Microsoft SQL Server and Go: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of web and application development, the pairing of efficient languages with robust databases is a foundational concept. Go, often known as “Golang”, is an open-source programming language developed by Google engineers. With its simplicity, efficiency, and robustness, it has rapidly carved a niche for itself in the backdrop of backend development. SQL … Read more

Running Microsoft SQL Server on Docker on Apple Silicon

MacBook Pro with Apple silicon is a great laptop for developers with impressive performance and energy efficiency, but you still could face some compatibility issues when trying to run specific software. One of such examples is running Microsoft SQL Server on Docker. What happens if you try to run it using default example command from … Read more

SQL Server Query Plans: Startup Expression Predicate

I’ve already posted about predicates in query plans, but here is one more: Startup Expression Predicate. Again, it’s better to illustrate its behavior by example. Let’s create a small table with one clustered index and put some data into it. Now, look at the following query. It should calculate the amount of rows in the … Read more

SQL Server Query Plans: Predicates vs. Seek Predicates

If you have ever written any query with a predicate, you should have noticed, that, at first, the optimizer is trying to find the smallest indexes, and then try to push predicate down to the get data operators to minimize the amount of logical and physical reads. To illustrate this behavior, let’s look at the example … Read more

MAXDOP and Resource Governor in SQL Server

Many of you at least should have heard about Max Degree of Parallelism setting, which exists in SQL Server from the early versions. By default, its value is zero, which means that SQL Server determines by itself the optimal number of threads for your queries. However, let us go a little bit further and delve … Read more